Staff Member #1
Biography of instructor/staff member #1
Sila ambil perhatian bahawa ujian warna berasaskan komputer tidak memberikan keputusan yang sama seperti ujian fizikal. Paparan komputer hanya mempunyai tiga warna utama. Warna buku yang dicetak tidak boleh disimulasikan oleh paparan. Ujian hanya boleh menentukan Isu-Isu warna merah dan hijau.
Please note that computer based color blindness tests do not give the same results as the original tests. Computer displays have only three primary colors. The colors of the printed books cannot be simulated by a display. The test can only determine red-green color Issues.
No Requirements Needed.
Biography of instructor/staff member #1
Biography of instructor/staff member #2
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It Means you will have to get your eye tested professionally by our in-house doctor or by our panel clinics. Ini bermakna anda perlu mendapatkan ujian mata anda secara profesional oleh doktor kami atau oleh klinik panel syarikat.