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Demo Course : Certificate of Islamic Banking for Legal Practioners
Enrollment is Closed

CERTIFICATE ON ISLAMIC BANKING FOR LEGAL PRACTITIONERS (CIBLP) is a programme designed by professionals for professionals. It is a programme first of its kind developed to build the competency of lawyers in dealing with the Islamic Banking legal documentation more effectively. This is believed to impact the industry greatly as it improves trust among customers and reduces exposure to risks ie. Litigation risk for industry players. The programme will provide a better grasp of the Shariah Principles and Reasoning, The Islamic Banking Contracts and will discuss more elaborately on the Legal Documentation and the Regulatory Framework. The participants will experience a flexible learning system where four modules are offered via e-learning and two modules face to face. This system is believed to provide a balance between work and learning to our busy participants as well as the trainers.
Enrollment is Closed

About This Course

CERTIFICATE ON ISLAMIC BANKING FOR LEGAL PRACTITIONERS (CIBLP) The Certificate in Islamic Banking for Legal Practitioners (CIBFL) is a programme designed by professionals for professionals. It is a programme first of its kind developed to build the competency of lawyers in dealing with the Islamic Banking legal documentations more effectively. This is believed to impact the industry greatly as it improves trust among customers and reduces exposure to risks ie. Litigation risk for the industry players. The programme will provide a better grasp on the Shariah Principles and Reasoning, The Islamic Banking Contracts and will discuss more elaborately on the Legal Documentation and the Regulatory Framework. The participants will experience a flexible learning system where four modules are offered via e-learning and two modules face to face. This system is believed to provide the balance between work and learning to our busy participants as well as the trainers. 1. Learning Outcome At the end of the programme, participants will be able; a) To understand better the Shariah Principles and Reasoning on Islamic Banking Transactions b) To understand the Islamic Banking Contracts c) To apply the knowledge and skills in drafting the Islamic Banking Legal Documentation 2. Proposed suitable modules (see Appendix 1) a) Module 1 : Fiqh Muamalat and Islamic Legal Maxims b) Module 2 : Contract 1 : Commodity Murabahah c) Module 3 : Contract 2 : Ijarah d) Module 4 : Contract 3 : Mudharabah e) Module 5 : Legal Documentation for Islamic Banking f) Module 6 : Legal and Regulatory Framework of Islamic Banking and Finance 3. Duration of the Training / credit hours The total training and assessment hours will be 44 hours. The assessment will be conducted for 2 hours.

Therefore, ISAS is offering a mixed mode of learning where 4 of the modules will be offered via E-Learning and 2 modules on a face to face mode, which are as follows; (a) E-Learning : (“Flipped” Class, Online Consultation, Online Pre and Post Test) i. Module 1 : Fiqh Muamalat and Islamic Legal Maxims ii. Module 2 : Contract 1 : Commodity Murabahah iii. Module 3 : Contract 2 : Ijarah iv. Module 4 : Contract 3 : Mudharabah (b) Face to Face : (Training session and in class Pre and Post Test) i. Module 5 : Legal Documentation for Islamic Banking ii. Module 6 : Legal and Regulatory Framework of Islamic Banking and Finance words..

5. About this Module ( Module 3 : Istisna' and Ijarah) Module Learning Outcome After completing this module, you should be able to :  Discuss the features and requirement of Istisna’ and Ijarah contract Specify the structure and issues of Istisna’-based and Ijarah-based Islamic Finance products Specify the legal, regulatory and Shariah requirements that must be observed in Istisna’ and Ijarah products

6. Module Outline Introduction Definition Shariah Legality Nature Component Additional Features of Ijarah Arrangement With Other Contracts Dissolution Application of Contract in IBF Products Decided Cases Conclusion

7. Programme Manager The CIBFL programme will be managed by the IIUM Shariah Advisory Services Sdn Bhd with the support from the International Islamic Univeristy Malaysia as well its industry networking. 8. Certification and/or accreditation for the Training The certificate will be issued by IIUM (through IIUM Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance) and could carry the CPD point issued by the Malaysian Bar Council (subject to Bar Council’s approval). The requirement to obtain this certification is by getting a minimum of 50 marks on the overall assessment.


This course are designed for legal practitioners in a banking environment handling Islamic Banking Products

Course Staff

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Professor Dr Rusni Hassan

Academic/Professional Qualification(s) PhD in Law, IIUM Master of Comparative Laws (MCL), IIUM LLB (Hons), LLB (Shariah) First Class, IIUM Registered Shariah Advisor with the Securities Commission Malaysia Present Appointment(s) Professor at the IIUM Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance Shariah Committee Member, Association of Islamic Banking Institutions Malaysia (AIBIM) Shariah Committee Member, Housing Development Finance Corporation and Housing Development Corporation, Maldives Secretary, Association of Shariah Advisors in Islamic Finance Malaysia (ASAS) and the Assistant Secretary, International Council of Islamic Finance Educators (ICIFE) Past Appointment(s) Member of the Shariah Advisory Council, Bank Negara Berhad Expertise and Experience A prolific speaker in seminars, workshops, conferences and trainings on various Islamic Finance issues, her works and contribution to Islamic Finance is internationally renowned Her publications include books on Islamic Banking and Takaful; Islamic Banking under Malaysian Law; Corporate Governance of Islamic Financial Institutions; Islamic Banking Cases and Commentaries; Remedies for Default of Payment in Islamic Banking and more than 100 articles in local and international journals She has received many awards and accolades, including: Promising Researcher at IIUM in 2012 Listed among the Top 10 Women in Islamic Finance by CPI Financial in 2013 Most Talented Women Professional in Islamic Banking, Asia Islamic Banking Excellence Awards, CMO Asia, 2014 Women of Distinction in her contribution in the field of Islamic Finance and Law by Venus International Women Awards (VIWA 2016) One of the 50 Most Influential Women in Islamic Finance by ISFIRE in 2017 and Womani 2018 – The Most Powerful Women in Islamic Finance by Cambridge IFA in 2018

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Associate Professor Dr. Ahmad Azam Bin Othman

Associate Professor Dr. Ahmad Azam Othman is currently an Associate Professor at Islamic Law Department, Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws (AIKOL), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). He was the Director of Harun M. Hashim Law Centre, AIKOL, IIUM and the Head of Islamic Law Department, AIKOL, IIUM. His specialised areas are Islamic Law of Property, Obligations, Transactions, Personal Bankruptcy, Banking and Takaful as well as comparative laws. He has vast experience in teaching for postgraduate as well as undergraduate courses. He is also an internal examiner and supervisor to a number of PhD Theses and Master Dissertation in various areas including Islamic Banking, Islamic Microfinance, Islamic Capital Market, Takaful and Waqf. Dr. Ahmad Azam Othman holds a PhD from University of Wales, UK. In addition, he holds a Master of Comparative Laws from IIUM where he also obtained his LLB (Bachelor of Laws) and LLB.S (Bachelor of Shariah) as his first degree.

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Muhamad Nakhaie Bin Ishak

Encik Muhamad Nakhaie Bin Ishak, berasal dari Perak, adalah berkelulusan ‘Bachelor of Laws (LL.B)(Honours)’, ‘LL.B (Shari'ah)(Honours)’ dan ‘Diploma in Shari’ah Law & Legal Practice (DSLP)’ ketiga-tiganya dari Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (IIUM), dan masing-masing pada tahun 2006, 2007 dan 2008. Beliau menyertai Tetuan J. Lee & Associates sebagai pelatih dalam kamar di bawah bimbingan Dr. Mohd Johan Lee sendiri, yangmana telah mendedahkan beliau kepada pelbagai jenis tindakan undang-undang Litigasi Sivil, Litigasi Umum dan perkara-perkara Syariah. Beliau kemudiannya diterima masuk dan didaftaraikan sebagai Peguambela & Peguamcara Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya pada 4 April 2008 dan seterusnya dimasukkan sebagai ahli Majlis Peguam Malaysia. Beliau telah ditawarkan tempat bekerja sebagai peguam di Tetuan J. Lee & Associates di Kuala Lumpur dan kemudian ditawarkan menjadi salah seorang rakan kongsi di Tetuan J. Lee & Associates. Encik Muhamad Nakhaie kini adalah Ketua Bahagian Litigasi dan Ketua Bahagian Syariah di Tetuan J. Lee & Associates. Memandangkan perkhidmatan utama firma kami adalah melibatkan perkaraperkara perbankan Islam, Encik Muhamad Nakhaie mempunyai pengalaman dan pengetahuan yang luas dalam perbankan Islam. Beliau sedia terlatih dalam mengendalikan aspek-aspek/kes-kes melibatkan Litigasi Sivil dan undang-undang Syariah. Encik Muhamad Nakhaie telah mengendalikan perkara-perkara Litigasi Sivil berkaitan dengan Perbankan Islam untuk kebanyakan Institusi Perbankan Islam di Malaysia. Beliau pernah hadir di hadapan Mahkamah Magistrate, Mahkamah Sesyen, Mahkamah Tinggi, Mahkamah Rayuan dan juga Mahkamah Persekutuan.

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For queries on other modules of Certificate of Islamic Banking and Finance

please contact Mr Bahavdeen, Islamic Shariah Advisory Services Sdn Bhd

Enrollment is Closed